05th November 2022

One Day to Contribute to Open Source

Hébergé par

Hosted by

An Hackergarten event

Développeur·se francophone ?
Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre pour contribuer à des projets Libres/Open Source d'envergure !
Que ce soit des améliorations de documentation, des corrections de bugs ou l'ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités, chaque contribution compte !

L'événement est ouvert à tou·te·s, quel que soit votre niveau.
Des ateliers d'introduction auront même lieu en début de journée pour celles et ceux qui le souhaitent.

N'hésitez plus et inscrivez-vous !

We want to invite developers to hack together.
Let us support Free/Open Source projects by fixing issues and adding new features and most of all learn and have fun.

The event is open to every developer, regardless of their experience.
We plan to have introduction workshops at the beginning of the day.

Each contribution counts, regardless of its nature (design, documentation, code)!

Join us now !


We are beyond elated to be back on site after two virtual editions.

Thanks a lot to Scaleway for accommodating us!

Scaleway · 11bis Rue Roquépine, 75008 Paris
Closest stop
Saint Augustin · Metro 9 (metro map)

Agenda (time in UTC+1 )

9:00 to 9:30

Introduction to the conference format and keynotes

9:30 to 9:45

Time to either pick a project or a 3-hour training and join a project afterwards!

9:45 to 12:45

Start your contributions or training

13:45 to 17:00

Time to contribute again!

17:00 to 18:30

Listen to the recap, win one of the raffle prizes and stay for the cocktail party!


There will be optional beginner-friendly trainings in the first two hours of the event. You can then work on one the project listed below afterwards.

Topic Trainer(s) Description


The following list of projects is being regularly updated. Bookmark it!

Name Tutorial Leads (+ spoken languages) Contributions
Apache Maven Hervé Boutemy (FR, EN)
Eclipse JKube Sun Tan (EN, FR)
Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE Ivar Grimstad (EN)
JReleaser Andres Almiray (EN, ES)
JUnit 5 Juliette de Rancourt (FR, EN)


Reach Out To The Organizers!